Global Songs for Worship

This hymnal supplement includes 57 songs from allover the globe, including Ghana, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Egypt, and many more countries.

Norma de Waal Malefyt
Faith Alive, 2010
Music and Congregational Singing, Cultural Diversity and Global Worship

Expand your congregation's repertoire of songs from every part of the globe, including Egypt, Russia, Indonesia, China, Sierra Leone, and other parts of the world. This new collection includes 57 worship songs on 

  • gathering and celebration 
  • confession and grace 
  • proclaiming the Word 
  • faith and prayer 
  • baptism and the Lord’s Supper 
  • service and sending

Includes lyrics in the original language as well as English translations. Helpful notes offer performance tips and suggestions for using these songs in worship. 

This resource is now out of print, but online tracks can be found here

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Amazon Kindle   Barnes & Noble Nook   Google Play & Android