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How to Make a You-Who-Do-To-Through Prayer

You-who-do-to-through prayers follow an ancient pattern for making a short prayer with a single theme. Worshipers speak the prayer together, collecting their voices into one.

You-who-do-to-through prayers follow an ancient pattern for making a short prayer with a single theme. Anglicans, Lutherans, and Roman Catholics call the pattern a collect, with the stress on the first syllable. Worshipers speak the prayer together, collecting their voices into one.

The YOU part is how you choose to address and praise God, such as:

  • Almighty God
  • Light of the world
  • Creator of all that is good
  • El Roi, God who sees
  • Great Healer

The WHO part names an attribute or action of God, such as:

  • Who parted the Red Sea
  • You love us despite our weaknesses
  • Who fills the earth with life
  • You know us better than we know ourselves
  • You cast out demons and cured lepers

The DO part offers a petition connected to who you’ve just said God is, such as:

  • We ask to sense your presence in a special way today
  • Shine your love into our dark corners
  • Show us how to cherish what you create
  • Reveal the opportunities you’ve planned for us
  • Please release our brother from his addiction

The TO part explains why you’re asking God for this, such as:

  • So that this chapel service may touch those who doubt your power
  • We long to live as one and bring you glory
  • So that future generations may live in abundance
  • May our congregation bless others in new ways
  • Let his friends see what you can do

The THROUGH part affirms that Jesus is our Way to the Father, such as:

  • We ask this for Jesus’ sake
  • We ask in Jesus’ name
  • We pray this through Christ, in the Spirit’s power, trusting in your grace.
  • Accept our prayer for the sake of your Son, our Savior
  • Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever


Almighty God, who parted the Red Sea, we ask to sense your presence in a special way today—so that this chapel service may touch those who doubt your power. We ask this for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Light of the world, you love us despite our weaknesses. Shine your love into our dark corners. We long to live as one and bring you glory. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Creator of all that is good, who fills the earth with life, show us how to cherish what you create, so that future generations may live in abundance. We pray this through Christ, in the Spirit’s power, trusting in your grace. Amen.

El Roi, God who sees, you know us better than we know ourselves. Reveal the opportunities you’ve planned for us. May our congregation bless others in new ways. Accept our prayer for the sake of your Son, our Savior. Amen.

Great Healer, you cast out demons and cured lepers. Please release our brother from his addiction. Let his friends see what you can do. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.