Images of Faith

This disk contains 100 images by contemporary artists to be used for projection in teaching, preaching, and devotional purposes by churches, colleges, and seminaries.

Sandra Bowden
Christians in the Visual Arts, 2009
Visual Arts, Architecture, and Urban Planning, Worship Planning and Leading

Images of Faith, co-published by Christians in the Visual Arts and the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, is a rich interactive experience. It contains 100 images by contemporary artists to be used for projection in teaching, preaching, and devotional purposes by churches, colleges, and seminaries. The exhibition of images is organized around four themes: Creation/Creator, The Fall, Redemption and the Life of Faith. An index allows a cross-referencing of images through various topics. Each images comes with its own essay as well as biographical and contact information for each artist. PC and Mac Compatible.

No longer available.

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