Abraham Kuyper: Our Worship

This new English translation of Onze Eredienst offers Abraham Kuyper's clearest thinking on worship and liturgy.

Harry Boonstra
Eerdmans, 2009
Worship Throughout History, Theological Vision for Worship and the Sacraments

Few modern figures in the Reformed tradition are as widely influential as Abraham Kuyper, whose views on theology, politics, and Christian culture are renowned. His writings on worship, however, are not as well known. This new English translation of Onze Eredienst fills that gap, offering Kuyper’s clearest thinking on worship and liturgy. Though written nearly a hundred years ago, his perspectives on worship are amazingly relevant to our times today.

In a substantive introduction Harry Boonstra outlines Kuyper's life and the historical context in which he wrote. Adding even more luster to the volume are concluding essays by John Bolt, Bryan Spinks, Geoffrey Wainwright, and Nicholas Wolterstorff. 

No longer in print by publisher.

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