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Latino Protestant Congregations Project

The Latino Protestant Congregations Project is a unique, three year research grant awarded to Davidson College and funded by Lilly Endowment.


Monday, June 23 - Friday, June 27, 2014


Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI

The Latino Protestant Congregations (LPC) Project is a unique, three year research grant awarded to Davidson College and funded by Lilly Endowment. A team of 10 social scientific researchers (fellows) will be conducting "ground level" observations and interviews across the United States to capture the diversity of liturgy and worship in Latino churches. LPC Fellows are expected to gain entrée to five local congregations in their geographic region and complete profiles for each, including field notes and audio interviews.

LPC Fellows and the LPC Project Directors will gather annually to plan, collaborate, and debrief during the funding period.

June 2014 is the first gathering (seminar) and led by Project Directors Gerardo Marti and Mark Mulder.

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